ONLINE: Donating online is fast, secure and seamless.  You can donate to our organization from the comfort’s of your home.  Simply click the donate now link below and you will be directed to our Canada Helps page. You are able to make a one time contribution or set up a monthly donation. You will receive a tax receipt from Canada Helps with the funds being transferred directly to the Aylmer Area Community Foundation.  Rest assured, your donation will be granted to local organizations having a positive impact on the Aylmer area.

Make a one-time gift to the Aylmer Area Community Foundation and feel confident your donation will be hard at work for years to come.

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Make it Monthly! Plant seeds of hope each month for the Aylmer area community. Your monthly gift provides impactful funding so we can best realize our goals.

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Donate in honour or in memory of someone special to you. Your donation amount always remains confidential.

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Donate securities or mutual funds that have appreciated in value, rather than cash, and eliminate the capital gains tax. It’s the most cost-effective way to give. The AACF will receive a larger gift and you will benefit from a larger tax credit. Read more about donating stocks and securities directly.

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Leave a gift in your will. Choosing to remember the Aylmer Area Community Foundation in your will is the perfect way to make a meaningful difference and bring recovery and resiliency to the lives of members in the Aylmer area community for years to come. Connect with us directly to learn more and partner on this legacy gift.

Make a meaningful impact with your cryptocurrency. Easily donate your Bitcoin or Ether to the Aylmer Area Community Foundation.

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For large gifting, donors can express their preference for how the Aylmer Area Community Foundation(AACF) will apply their gift, but the AACF has final say on how it uses its resources; and (2) if the AACF does not use the gift in the way the donor prefers, the AACF will not return the gift to the donor.

If you would rather mail your donation directly, you can mail a cheque payable to:

Aylmer Area Community Foundation

51 Talbot Street East Aylmer, Ontario N5H 1H3

A tax receipt will come directly from the AACF with thanks.